I've had a very productive week. I was worried that I'd be barely able to make the daily word goals, but I far surpassed my expectations, and it leaves me brimming with pride. I can't help but gush about how well I'm doing on Twitter and Instagram and Facebook.
Here are the stats:
01/11 Thursday: 5,278
03/11 Saturday: 4,128
04/11 Sunday: 1,796
Total for this week: 14,264
Total word count: 14,264
Where I should be: 6,666
Words ahead: 7,598
Total word count:
On Thursday, I went to a write-in hosted by one of my uni-friends, and it was a great experience. I got to write, talk about writing, and eat cupcakes, brownies, and pizza. Word-warring in real life was really motivating. It feels far more real than word-warring online.
I'm really loving my story. I love the characters, I love the plot, and I love the worlds (Woooh! Alternate dimensions!). I'm not much of a plotter, so there was a point where I was worried that I would run out of steam and not know what to write next (to be fair, though, I have that feeling with every story I write), but it got sorted out in the end. I pretty much only plan a few chapters ahead, and I have a vague idea of how I know the story will end, so that I can make the journey without feeling forced to do something I end up feeling isn't right for the story. With plotting, I feel like I have no freedom to change the direction of the story as I go. I don't like being limited like that.
One thing that's really bugged me about NaNo so far is finding myself suddenly running out of time to do everything I want. I haven't been reading much because I've been too busy writing, so I've been running low on creative juices. As I said above, I've been learning a lot through writing, and I've learnt to organise my time more efficiently. I have to make time to write, sure, but I also need to fit in reading, excercise, playing with the puppy, socialising, playing Pokemon or The Sims 3, and other shenanigans. It's been tough, but I've managed it.
And because I hadn't been reading much, I'd felt a bit shitty and worn out. I just had no motivation to write, because there just was anything to write. After spending the day sitting out in the sun, reading and relaxing, I managed to fix that, and managed to plod along, writing the minimum daily word goal, which is nice, considering I'd only planned to write about 500 words to bump my word count up to 13k. But now it's at 14k, how wonderful!
So, how are you faring with NaNo? Feeling proud of your wordcount, or feeling shitty? Learnt anything new about yourself through writing? Feel free to comment!
Woooo, go you!! :) I'm not doing that well, I've only written 2000 words so far and have yet to write anything today. I'm not that worried though, I'm hoping I'll have a sudden burst of motivation part way through the month or something? Just not really feeling it this year :/
ReplyDeleteI wrote a thousand words and that's about it. But to be fair, I am insanely busy with school with two major essays in planning (one is actual research! With empirical data and all!! and the other is a paper on YA Dystopian fiction) so I can't be too hard on myself. I'm thinking I'll use December as my writing month instead since I'll be home all month. Plus you've read my the first two chapters, my character refuses to be rushed along.
ReplyDeleteAnd I hear you on the plotting. I love your current story. It's very gritty but entirely consuming. Happy writing!
I don't know how I've done it, but as of tonight, I've written approx 30k. It probably helped that I had the novel all planned out by October because it was a sequel. I know that my draft probably stinks and will need a lot of revision, but I don't care. I do know what you mean by not having the energy to do anything else you enjoy like reading, watching TV etc....Don't worry November will be over before you know it and you'll be able to breathe. Keep up the good work :) Oh, on a side note.. my novel is out!!!!
ReplyDeleteCatching You : Katie Gallagher